Sonic Genesis Files Repository

Here you can find list of genesis files needed to start a new Sonic network node. If you are not sure what these files are used for, please continue to the Sonic Labs website to get information about Sonic.

You need one of these to start Sonic node.

The default Sonic mode of operation is --mode rpc. This mode builds up the history and allows you to interact with the state and contracts. You can actually use a validator genesis to prime a node to a smaller pruned DB and still run this mode. Your history calls will be limited to the epoch of the genesis used though.

Use --mode validator flag for genesis expansion and also for the Sonic node startup to enable live pruning. A node in the validator mode will not allow you to execute most of the RPC calls.

Sonic Mainnet


To download Sonic genesis either use this script or one of the links below.

$ wget
$ wget
$ md5sum --check sonic.g.md5

$ GOMEMLIMIT=28GiB sonictool --datadir ~/.sonic --cache 16000 genesis sonic.g
$ GOMEMLIMIT=28GiB sonicd --datadir ~/.sonic --cache 16000

Latest Sonic Pruned Genesis (Checksum MD5)
Latest Sonic Full Genesis (Checksum MD5)


To download Sonic events either use this script or one of the links below.

$ wget
$ wget
$ md5sum --check sonic-events-0-6720.gz.md5

$ GOMEMLIMIT=28GiB sonictool --datadir ~/.sonic --cache 16000 events import sonic-events-0-6720.gz